26 November 2007


T returns from the garden with the fruits of our labours. We are not great meat eaters but usually treat ourselves to a little chicken something on a Sunday. Today T is cooking baked chicken.
In the photograph, clockwise from the top left hand corner, 'Common pork,' the local small leafed basil, parsley, large leafed basil, cucumber, squash, chadon beni and cabbage.

His seasoning mix is a feast for the eyes, the pungent aroma of fresh herbs pervades the senses and primes the appetite.

Whilst stealing this sumptuous image,
of chicken smothered in succulent secrets,
I spy the slivers of cinnamon spice.

And so I hope I succeed in sharing with you our special Sunday delight, that tastes of time spent under the sun, of seedlings tenderly nurtured, of showers as blessings, of love and joy and the fulfillment of wishes.

T's baked chicken with rice, sweet blugga plantain, salad and squash.


  1. Put the kettle on...we're coming to dinner!! Looks fab.

  2. Mouthwatering feast! I love the line "showers as blessings" and the fact that you grew the groaning table of garden delights yourselves. Inspiring ; )

  3. Hi Deb, you're welcome anytime,
    A Kite Rises, I love 'showers as blessings' too, but I cannot take the credit as the phrase,"a shower is a blessing" is a familiar one here.

  4. Oh my word. What a harvest and feast.

    I'm just too full.

    Of envy :-)

    I've been trying to get my mother interested in gardening again, the plan is, she and I would do stuff...but I think she's grieving and not interested.

  5. Hi GG, please accept my sympathy.
    Gardening when grieving or anything else for that matter, may seem irrelevant but when my children lost their father they decided to plant a little tree,(whose name escapes me) but it flowers at the time of year that he died and I know that every subsequent year,when the beautiful blossoms form, this tree gives them comfort and joy.

  6. Aah, the harvest like yours must compensate for the sorry state of your hands after planting and digging. Chicken with cinnamon - ate something like that, made by a Bengali friend - he used LOTS of cinnamon in his. It had this "secret" taste - very yummy.


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